Stakeholder engagement
We involve the stakeholders and encourage them to get involved at every level of the company. We identify the stakeholders and take note of their expectations by means of existing approaches and processes: surveys, forums, social dialogue, reviews of contracts with suppliers and providers, customer feedback (particularly on social media) and roundtables. Our method of engagement is set out for each stakeholders below.

bpostgroup shares best sustainable development practice and engages with its stakeholders on various issues.
Issues raised
- Green fleet
- Green buildings
- Ethics and diversity
- Social engagement
- Waste management

bpost conducts a study among its leading suppliers and providers to get a better handle on their sustainability vision and results (Ecovadis methodology)
Issues raised
- Business continuity
- Ethics and diversity
- Green fleet
- Responsible products and services
- Responsible and sustainable procurement

bpostgroup engages with its employees by measuring the wellbeing and engagement of employees annually and organizing communication and awareness campaigns on sustainability issues. Monthly consultations are also held with the social partners to implement and monitor change projects and projects affecting wellbeing at work.
Issues raised
- Business continuity
- Employee satisfaction and engagement
- Employee health and safety
- Ethics and diversity
- Social dialogue
- Employee training and talent development

bpostgroup engages with its customers by means of annual satisfaction surveys, a single point of contact for customer service and an active presence on social networks and its website.
Issues raised
- Customer satisfaction
- Green fleet
- Employee health and safety
- Employee and sustainable procurement
- Responsible products and services
Shareholders and investors

bpostgroup engages with its shareholders and investors by means of annual general meetings, quarterly communications on the group results, a financial market day and a single point of contact for investor relations.
Issues raised
- Business continuity
- Customer satisfaction
- Employee training and talent development

bpostgroup maintains regular contacts with governments and local authorities to inform them about the corporate plans.
Issues raised
- Green buildings (Brussels building energy performance certification)
- Green fleet (electric vehicles)
- Social engagement
- Social dialogue
- Employee training and talent development